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Porcine Model of Primary and Metastatic HCC for Interventional Radiology-Guided Detection and Treatment
Minimally Invasive Image-Guided Tumor Ablation in an Oncogenic Pig Model
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Characterization of an inducible alcoholic liver fibrosis model for hepatocellular carcinoma investigation in a transgenic porcine platform
Development and initial application of a porcine-specific MRI and MRE protocol for liver imaging in a large animal cancer model
Development of porcine hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines: Comprehensive in vitro and in vivo characterization
Image-guided catheter-based ultrasound thermal ablation of intramuscular and retroperitoneal sarcomas in the transgenic Oncopig cancer model
Oncopig and human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines exhibit similar response to liver cancer chemotherapy agents
Oncopig carcinoma cell lines: A foundation for co-clinical trials
Development of a porcine model for pancreatic cancer
Expression of identical genetic mutations across Oncopig cell types results in distinct expression profiles recapitulating transcriptional hallmarks of human tumors
Image-guided catheter-based ultrasound thermal ablation of tumors in genetically engineered oncogenic pigs
Immunological characterization of the Oncopig model and detection of cell-mediated immune responses to cancer
KRASG12D and TP53R167H cooperate to induce pancreatic carcinoma in conditional transgenic Sus scrofa
Major update to the Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) nomenclature system of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) and the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS)
Oncopig Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Recapitulate Human Liver Cancer Chemotherapy Responses
Oncopig soft-tissue sarcomas recapitulate key transcriptional features of human sarcomas
Transurethral ultrasound to induce collagen regeneration for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
Validation of the oncopig platform as a translational porcine model for human hepatocellular carcinoma
Altered hippocampal DNA methylation, gene transcription, and RNA editing in response to early life environmental insults in two independent studies of cognitive development
Bis(indolyl)methane based retinoid X receptor agonist for efficient nanotherapy in Onco-pigs via In silico-to-In vivo approach
Cancer center designation: Implications for interventional radiologists
Oncopig cancer model: A novel genetically inducible porcine model of hepatocellular carcinoma for interventional radiology locoregional therapy testing
Pigs as a new weapon against cancer: Modeling solid tumors in porcine
Porcine drug metabolism and toxicity in vitro model utilizing transformed hepatocyte cell lines (HepCRE)
The conserved functional role of non-CpG methylation in mammalian and avian brain
The conserved functional role of non-CpG methylation in mammalian and avian brain
The oncopig cancer model as a validated model for human hepatocellular carcinoma
The Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) Nomenclature System of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) and the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS): Update 2016
Swine as an animal model in interventional radiology in the post-genomic era
Adaptive evolution of family Suidae Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
Altered hippocampal DNA methylation and gene expression patterns in an iron deficiency pig model of cognitive development
An inducible large animal cancer model
Characterization of an inducible transgenic p53/Kras oncopig model for cancer
Current status of the swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) system
Effects of oncogene KRAS G12D and p53 R167H expression and genotype on chemotherapy drug resistance in porcine cells
Effects of peripheral viral infection on hippocampal DNA methylation and gene expression patterns in a pig model of cognitive development
The International Swine Methylome Consortium (ISMC): Supporting epigenomics and biomedical research
The International Swine Methylome Consortium (ISMC): Supporting epigenomics and biomedical research
The swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) nomenclature system: 2014 update
Unraveling the swine genome: Implications for human health
454 pyrosequencing reveals a shift in the fecal microbial community composition of genetically identical co-housed pigs fed different diets
A cardiac patch for delivering therapeutic stem cells to the heart following myocardial infarction
An inducible transgenic porcine model for human cancer
An inducible transgenic porcine model for human cancer
Development of an inducible transgenic onco-pig model
Development of an inducible transgenic onco-pig model
In vivo treatment of pig liver using steerable needle therapeutic ultrasound with combined imaging and electromagnetic tracking system
In vivo treatment of spine tumors using needle based therapeutic ultrasound under image guidance with 3D electromagnetic tracking
Sequencing the genomes of the pig and related Suids reveals extensive intra- and inter-specific gene flow during speciation
Cell communication in three-dimensional microenvironments
Porkchops and bacon: My two favorite animals – or how whole genome re-sequencing is revealing mosaic origins and footprints of selection in the pig genome
RNA-seq analyses in pigs: Allelic expression – why make a choice?
The swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) nomenclature system: Current status after 10 years of its establishment
Whole genome re-sequencing of pigs and wild boar reveals unexpected signatures in variation related to biogeography, domestication, and hybridization
A cardiac patch for delivering therapeutic stem cells to the heart following myocardial infarction
A simple and accurate method for accessing gut microbiome composition
A simple, rapid and accurate method for microbiome analysis supporting personalized genomic medicine
A type I monoclonal antibody identifies a common epitope on multiple isoforms of the pig CD34
An inducible transgenic porcine model for the study of human cancer
Analysis of transcriptomes in a porcine tissue collection using RNA-seq and genome assembly 10
Annotation of novel and conserved microRNA genes in the build 10 sus scrofa reference genome and determination of their expression levels in ten different tissues
Detection of porcine imprinted genes through high-throughput cDNA-sequencing (RNA-seq)
Effects of manipulating commensal gut microbiota on porcine innate immunity and TLR methylation
Evolutionary analysis of Betaine Homocysteine Methyltransferase (BHMT) and BHMT-2 genes
Lines and SINES in suids: The repetitive genomic landscape in sus scrofa and related pig species
Modulation of commensal gut and pulmonary microbiomes through oral microbial inoculation and its effects on systemic immune response
Modulation of systemic immune response through commensal gut microbiota
Multiple SNP variations occur in the porcine CD34 gene
Oncopigs as a superior model for breast cancer
Polymorphic patterns in toll-like receptor genes of suid species from different geographic locations
Porcine imprinted genes detected through high-throughput cDNA-sequencing (RNA-seq)
Sequencing multiple genomes of the pig and other suids: Insights in speciation and selection
Shifts in gut microbial community composition associated with degree of solubility of dietary fiber
Single nucleotide polymorphism in toll-like receptor genes in sus species
Strategies to build high-density linkage maps of the porcine 60k SNP chip
A high reslution porcine radiation hybrid map with 10,000 markers
Detecting imprinted genes in the pig genome by high-throughput cDNA-sequencing (RNA-seq)
Genome-wide assessment of genetic diversity in European wild boar
In vitro osteogenic differentiation and in vivo healing capacity of porcine CD34+ adipose-derived stem cells
Independent control of elasticity and drug release rate of an injectable poly(ethyleyene glycol) hydrogel for stem cell mobilization
Insights from whole genome sequence alignment of the domestic (sus scrofa) and javan warty (sus verrucosus) pigs
Manipulation of commensal gut microbiota as a tool to decrease respiratory disease in swine
Sequencing of porcine genes using full-length enriched cDNA libraries: Contribution to annotation of the draft sequence of pig genome
The porcine HapMap project: Genome-wide assessment of nucleotide diversity, haplotype diversity and footprints of selection in the pig
The porcine HapMap projects: Genome-wide analysis of pig, wild boar and suiforme diversity and evolution
When isolation is only apparent: Disentangling the genetic make-up of the Sardinian wild boar by different classes of genetic markers