On November 2-4 the Swine genome Sequencing Consortium (SGSC) and the EU COST action "PigNet" held the Pig Genome III meeting to celebrate the completion of the pig genome sequence. The sequencing of the porcine genome at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK is close to its initial goal of finalizing a 4x improved quality genome sequence of the porcine genome. The sequencing effort is based on a CHORI-242 BAC minimal tiling path and directed improvement will provide an equivalent quality of 6X genomic coverage.
Genome sequence data have been assembled and annotated using automated tools and published through the Ensembl genome browser (currently the Sscrofa9 genome build is available at: http://www.ensembl.org/Sus_scrofa/Info/Index ). This meeting provided an essential opportunity to convene the broader pig genomics community as well as end-users to ensure rapid and full deployment of the sequence information.
Specific goals of the meeting included:
- Reviewing the latest genome assembly (Sscrofa9) and the automated (Ensembl) annotation;
- Workshop sessions organized to support the development of a summary manuscript of the pig genome and related companion papers;
- Training in the manual annotation of the pig genome to ensure the highest quality product; and
- Providing an opportunity to recognize the global partners who have supported and conducted the pig genome sequencing project and transition the SGSC activities into full utilization of the pig genome sequence information.
The conference also served to stimulate interactions between researchers who have focused on creating the sequencing platform and conducting the sequencing with those investigators who are dedicated to using this information. To date, these have in part been separate research communities and the conference will provide a forum for introductions and to engage the broader community to participate in the analysis of the genome sequence. Finally, the conference organizers integrated a theme focusing on creating international guidelines to ensure the broadest dissemination and utilization of genomic information.
Kyle Schachtschneider, a Ph.D. student in the Schook lab, received a travel award to attend the conference.